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Mesoscale Eddy Trajectory Atlas Product

Several versions of the Mesoscale Eddy Trajectory Atlas are available to users. The main characteristics of each version are described below, the details are on each product page:

  META3.2 DT META 3.2exp NRT
Constellation All satellites Two satellites All satellites
DOI 10.24400/527896/a01-2022.005.220209 10.24400/527896/a01-2022.006.220209 -
Timeliness Delayed-time Near-Real-Time
Period 1993/01/01 - 2022/02/09 01/01/2018 - ongoing (with 15 days delay)
Geographical coverage Global
Delivery format 3 files for each anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies :
            long, short and untracked,
2 files (1 for cyclonic and 1 for anticyclonic)
Update 3-4 times per year Every day
Product Page with handbook META3.2 DT META3.2exp NRT
Constellation All satellites Two satellites All satellites
Origin of upstream products CMEMS Delayed-Time version 2021 C3S Delayed-Time version DT2021  CMEMS Near-Real-Time
Input variable ADT (Absolute Dynamic Topography)
Preprocessing Lanczos filter with a Bessel window 2D
            (cutoff 700 km, order 1)
Identification Py Eddy Tracker algorithm (collaboration with E. Mason)
Provide Eddy position, Speed and Effective Radius, Amplitude, associated contours, speed profile
Number of extrema in one eddy Only one
Shape error 70%
Amplitude threshold 0.4 cm
Tracking Py Eddy Tracker : association of eddies within a trajectory by contours’ overlap, virtual observations, subsetting
Method Overlap between eddies
Land control -
Virtual observations Max of 4 consecutive virtual eddies
Minimum Lifetime 10 days

List of past versions which are not updated anymore

  DOI Period covered Product page with handbook Last update 
META 3.1exp DT 10.24400/527896/a01-2021.001 for allsat version
10.24400/527896/a01-2021.002 for twosat version
1993/01/01/ - 2020/03/07 product page  
META 3.0exp NRT


2018/01/01 -  product page  
META 2.0 DT (not recommended) - 1993/01/01 - 2020/03/07 product page  
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