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Multivariate Inversion of Ocean Surface Topography, Internal Tide Model (MIOST-IT)

Types of dataset: auxiliary products

DOI: 10.24400/527896/a01-2022.003  -  more metadata

Contents: MIOST-IT database includes 4 tidal components for the ocean internal tide surface elevations. Each tidal component is described by 2 grids (amplitude and phase) provided on a cartesian grid 1/10°x1/10°.

  1. The internal tide elevations for the four tidal frequencies M2, S2, K1, O1, are available for download.
  2. The tidal prediction code is also available to download including a README file in a "prediction" folder.

Use: open ocean oceanography, operational oceanography, ocean circulation, tide studies

Description: MIOST-IT solution is based on an original gridding process using ocean signals modes variability and all altimeter measurements available on the nearly entire altimeter era

Geographic coverage: global between latitudes +/-68.5°,notice that diurnal tides are filled with zeros for |Lat| > 30° for O1 and for |LAt| > 32° for K1.

Format: NetCDF-4

Distribution media:

  • Data files are on the authenticated FTP (see this note if you are facing problem using the ftp protocol with your browser) 
  • The source code is also distributed 

Condition of access: Internal tide elevations are delivered for any purposes, as stated in licence agreement

File weight: 103 MB by file (4 files) plus the prediction code (6 KB)

Tools: source of the prediction algorithm in Python

Documentation: More details about the MIOST-IT model construction, its performances and the prediction code, are available in the User Handbook

How to cite this product?

Reference: Clement Ubelmann, Loren Carrere, Chloé Durand, Gérald Dibarboure, Yannice Faugère and Florent Lyard: Simultaneous estimation of Ocean mesoscale and coherent internal tide Sea Surface Height signatures from the global Altimetry record,         pdf 


Figures: reduction of the along-track Cryosat-2 SLA variance when using the new MIOST-IT M2 model instead of a zero IT correction (left), or instead of the Zaron-2019 M2 solution (right). Blue spots indicate an improvement when using the MIOST-IT solution. Analysis was conducted on C2 cycles 96-124, which are independent from both the MIOST-IT and the Zaron_2019 models.

The following links propose animations of the M2 baroclinic tides on the global ocean:


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